Welcome to your FREE digital desktop calendar for March 2018



Our plan is to float through March in the soothing company of our Under the Sea companions – dolphins, starfish and the world’s weirdest whale, the narwhal, otherwise known as the unicorn of the sea. And now you too can have these creatures deep dive across your desktop all month long!

In Australia, March plays host to Harmony Day on the 21st, a fabulous celebration of our country’s cultural diversity which aims to promote a sense of ‘belonging’. In the United States, March is a time to celebrate National Banana Cream Pie Day, National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day, National Pig Day and National Debate Day (although not everyone agrees on this one).

Regardless of what you find to celebrate this March, we hope you find a little beauty and harmony at some point in every day.

And remember, as The Little Mermaid song goes…


We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles
Under the sea
Under the sea


Click on the image below to download your desktop calendar today.