Is the warm weather wiggling those toes out of winter boots – revealing a case of itchy feet that’s calling out for positive action? Is your heart yearning to hit the highway, to drop the car window and gulp in a throat full of spring’s salty seabreeze… possibly with a scorching hot El Niño chaser?
Fans of Love Mae’s monthly digital calendar will know that, while October’s inspirational image of fast cars and beasty big wheels is a slight departure from our ongoing love affair with nature and her creatures, it’s still sending a message of forward motion that’s dear to our hearts – and hopefully to yours!
Yes, fearless friends, we’re officially declaring October the optimum moment to jump into the driver’s seat and take 2018 as your own! Don’t look back, don’t look sideways, and definitely don’t think about the fact that it’s only 12 weeks until Christmas because that will just ruin your buzz! Or not… if you’re super excited about all things Santa and have recently discovered the joys of our online shop!
Wherever you are, and whatever your personal seabreeze may stir up inside this month, here at Love Mae HQ we’re feeling the winds of positive change and renewal flow through the heart of what we stand for and, just quietly, we can’t wait to share the journey with you… #watchthisspace
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