How To | Declutter your mind from everyday chaos

Feeling overwhelmed? Swimming in a sea of mental clutter? We hear you! and we've got some great tips to help you declutter your mind & feel a little more blissed out rather than stressed out.


Mind Your Own Business

Yes that’s right, if it doesn’t directly impact your life (or your family’s) then don’t get involved. Getting caught up in the drama or opinions of others won’t serve you, so don’t get involved to begin with. Leave your mind a little less occupied by only giving energy towards the things that truly concern or impact you and your family.

Put It On Paper

Feeling overwhelmed & have a bunch of tasks racing around your mind? Jot them down on paper. Sometimes the burden can feel greater than what it actually is until you write it down. Create a list of what you have to do, then prioritise. Setting a realistic time frame to complete tasks is also key to keeping your mind feeling more relaxed. A great way to break up your task list is to also schedule in some nurture or enjoyment time in between tasks, this may help make you feel more positive about working through that long list of to-dos.

Create Rituals of Me Time

Whether it’s forming a new daily habit of drinking tea in peace on the balcony, reading before bed, or finally signing up to that weekly yoga class. Everybody needs a ritual of ‘me time’. Commit to scheduling in a regular ritual of nurture time that’s just for you.

Create Technology Free Time & Zones

How much screen time are you getting? Too much screen time can over stimulate the mind, making it hard to relax, find clarity, or may even lead to negative feelings of self. Look at creating regular screen free time for yourself daily, weekly or perhaps even over a weekend. Commit to screen free time and notice if you feel calmer or happier. Too hard to avoid the mindless scroll? consider uninstalling apps that you can’t break habit from for a while - a sure fire way to to end bad habits and form new ones. Another tip is to create screen free zones in the home. Bedrooms & the dinner table are great places to begin banning technology from. Let bedrooms be a sanctuary of rest and reading, and the dinner table a place to share conversation and reconnect over meal times.

Social Media Clean-up

Social media can be a wonderful source of creativity & inspiration - and it can also be a black hole of self-loathing. Check in and ask yourself if your social media leaves you feeling dreary about yourself or your life? If so, maybe now is the time to detox from accounts or pages that feed that negativity. Social Media can serve as positive tool -when the content is relevant and inspiring for you personally.

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Get Back to Basics

Find mindfulness in simple activities like cooking or crafts. Get back to basics with simple whole foods and enjoy the creativity that can come from the simple of act of preparing a nourishing meal to share. 

Declutter Your Space

By now most of us have heard of Marie Kondo and the art of decluttering. Whether her methods appeal to you or not, most can agree that a good old-fashioned decluttering of the home, helps to clear the mind &leave your mood a little lighter. Don’t know where to start? take the pressure off & commit to just 15 or 30 minutes of decluttering a day. You might be surprised how quickly you begin to tackle areas that have been draining your energy for a while.

Reconnect With Nature

Starting the day outdoors is a great way to prepare yourself mentally for whatever may unfold in the day ahead. Create a new ritual of starting the day with a walk, dip in the sea, or even yoga stretches on the balcony. Schedule a hike or outdoor picnic for the weekend, and enjoy the mindful benefits of outdoor, technology free time in nature.

Don’t Worry

There’s a great line in the movie Bridge of Spies, where a character appears worry free after being captured and sentenced to imprisonment. When queried if he is worried about what will be his outcome, he simply replies ‘Would it help?’ - simple and true. Whatever the situation you are dealing with, it already is what it is, and no amount of worry and stress can help to change it. Stress & worry only wear you down emotionally, mentally and eventually physically - not an ideal space to find clarity or solutions to whatever it is that is troubling you. Next time you find your mind wandering off into the world of worry, ask yourself 'Does this help?'. Creating awareness and catching yourself in a moment of negative thought, is an opportunity  to redirect the mind towards something more positive. Give it a go, and watch the magical relief that happens from letting go of what you have no control over anyway.

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